Why people Migrant from Somalia and Ethiopia

Story of Ethiopian Migrant

Ahmed, a young man from Ethiopia, decided to leave his home country due to ongoing conflict and a lack of job opportunities. He heard about the possibility of finding work in Saudi Arabia and decided to make the journey through Yemen. Ahmed saved money for months to pay a smuggler who promised to take him safely across the Gulf of Aden.

The journey was harrowing. Ahmed and over 200 other migrants were packed into a small, overcrowded boat. There was little food and water, and the conditions were dire. Despite his fears, Ahmed held onto the hope of reaching Yemen and eventually making it to Saudi Arabia.

Tragically, the boat started to take on water and eventually sank. Ahmed was one of the 71 people who were rescued. He witnessed many of his fellow passengers, including women and children, drown in the rough seas. Ahmed was taken to a hospital in Yemen, where he is recovering from the ordeal. He is now uncertain about his future and whether he will ever reach his destination.

Fatima’s Struggle

Fatima, a mother of three from Somalia, decided to flee her country due to ongoing violence and lack of opportunities. She hoped to find a better life for her children in the Gulf countries. Fatima sold her belongings to pay a smuggler who promised safe passage to Yemen.

The journey was incredibly difficult. Fatima and her children endured rough seas, overcrowded conditions, and a lack of necessities. Despite these challenges, she remained determined to reach Yemen. Tragically, their boat sank, and Fatima lost two of her children in the disaster. She and her remaining child were among the survivors rescued by the IOM.

Fatima is now in a refugee camp in Yemen, grieving the loss of her children and struggling to survive in difficult conditions. She remains hopeful that she can eventually reach a safer place and build a better future for her surviving child.

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