Netanyahu Dissolves War Cabinet After Gantz Resignation: Political Turmoil in Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has disbanded the war cabinet after Benny Gantz, a key member, left. This war cabinet was created on October 11, after a Hamas attack on October 7 led Israel to declare war on Gaza. The purpose of the war cabinet was to make quick decisions about the war and then present them for approval to the wider cabinet.

Key Points:

  1. Formation of the War Cabinet:
    • The war cabinet included Netanyahu, his rival Benny Gantz, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and three observers: Aryeh Deri, Gadi Eisenkot, and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer.
    • It was meant to streamline decision-making during the war.
  2. Internal Disagreements:
    • The war cabinet was plagued with disagreements and internal conflicts.
    • In January, reports indicated that Gallant and Netanyahu were not on speaking terms, and meetings often turned into arenas for personal conflicts rather than productive discussions.
  3. Gantz’s Departure:
    • Benny Gantz and observer Gadi Eisenkot quit the war cabinet on June 9.
    • Gantz left because there was no clear plan for Gaza beyond the ongoing military actions.
    • His departure increased pressure from far-right ministers who wanted to join the war cabinet.
  4. Far-Right Ministers’ Influence:
    • National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, both far-right figures, lobbied to be included in the war cabinet.
    • They represent a hard-right constituency and are closely associated with the settler movement, which aims to build on Palestinian land.
  5. Political Consequences:
    • Ben-Gvir and Smotrich’s parties hold significant seats in the Knesset. Their withdrawal could potentially collapse the coalition government.
    • Gantz’s presence in the war cabinet was seen as a balancing force, providing credibility to Israel’s actions on the international stage.
  6. Dissolution and Replacement:
    • Following Gantz’s departure, Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet.
    • Netanyahu plans to replace it with a smaller “kitchen cabinet” for sensitive discussions, which includes Gallant, Dermer, and National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi.
    • This move blocks Ben-Gvir and Smotrich from joining the decision-making body, potentially avoiding further right-wing shifts in policy.
  7. International Relations:
    • The far-right ministers’ positions, such as supporting the reoccupation of Gaza and opposing ceasefire deals, are problematic internationally.
    • None of Israel’s key allies, including the US, are likely to engage with these far-right figures, which complicates their potential roles in government decisions.

Detailed Analysis

Formation and Purpose of the War Cabinet: The war cabinet was set up to handle the immediate and critical decisions required during the conflict with Gaza. It included Netanyahu, Gantz, Gallant, and three observers to ensure that decisions could be made quickly and effectively. This was seen as a way to streamline the government’s response to the crisis following the deadly Hamas attack.

Internal Conflicts and Dysfunction: However, the war cabinet quickly became mired in internal conflicts. Reports surfaced of severe disagreements between key members, notably between Gallant and Netanyahu. These conflicts made it difficult for the cabinet to function effectively, leading to unproductive meetings and stalled decision-making.

Gantz’s Exit: The situation reached a breaking point when Gantz, frustrated with the lack of a clear long-term plan for Gaza, decided to leave the cabinet. His exit was a significant blow to the war cabinet, as he was seen as a centrist voice that balanced the more extreme views within the government. Gantz’s departure underscored the deep divisions within the Israeli leadership regarding the handling of the conflict.

Far-Right Pressure: The departure of Gantz opened the door for far-right ministers like Ben-Gvir and Smotrich to push for their inclusion in the war cabinet. These ministers advocate for aggressive policies, such as the reoccupation of Gaza and the establishment of new settlements. Their inclusion in the cabinet would likely shift Israel’s policies further to the right, potentially escalating the conflict and straining international relations.

Netanyahu’s Response: To prevent this shift, Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet and announced the formation of a smaller “kitchen cabinet.” This new body will handle sensitive issues related to the war, excluding the far-right ministers and aiming to maintain a more balanced approach to decision-making.

International Implications: The far-right ministers’ positions are not only controversial domestically but also problematic on the international stage. Their advocacy for policies that contradict international law and norms could isolate Israel further from its allies. By excluding them from the new decision-making body, Netanyahu aims to mitigate this risk and maintain some degree of international support.

The dissolution of the war cabinet and the formation of the kitchen cabinet reflect the ongoing power struggles within the Israeli government. Netanyahu’s move aims to stabilize his coalition while managing the internal and external pressures associated with the conflict in Gaza. The situation highlights the complexities of Israeli politics, where domestic agendas and international relations are deeply intertwined.

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